Directions to CSI Wireless' Calgary facilities
Calgary International Airport:
- go south on Barlow Trail
to McKnight Boulevard
- go west on McKnight Boulevard
to Deerfoot Trail
- go south on Deerfoot
Trail to Glenmore Trail
- go east on Glenmore Trail
to Blackfoot Trail
- go north on Blackfoot
Trail to 42 nd Ave. S.E.
- go east on 42 nd Ave.
S.E. to 9 th Street S.E.
- go north on 9 th Street
S.E. for less than one block
- CSI Wireless is on the
east (or right) side at 4110 9 th Street S.E.
downtown Calgary:
- go south on Macleod Trail
to 42 nd Ave.
- go east on 42 nd Ave.
to 9 th Street S.E.
- go north on 9 th Street
S.E. for less than one block
- CSI Wireless is on the
east (or right) side at 4110 9 th Street S.E.